
Areticle (pronounced as uh·reh·tuh·kl) is an online publication launched on 20 April 2023, serving as a platform for a group of friends to post their thoughts, stories and ideas.

The name is a combination of the words arete and article. Arete is an ancient Greek philosophical concept which broadly refers to excellence and virtue, as we wish to use this platform to improve our writing and knowledge. We also hope that readers could possibly gain a little something from our experiences and stories, even if it's just inspiration to dig deeper about a topic or a humourous moment.

We just recently launched this publication, so we would appreciate your support enormously. If you enjoy reading our areticles, please share them with your friends, as this would motivate us to continue writing.

Do subscribe to our newsletter, follow us on Instagram @areticlewebsite, and be the first to read our latest areticles! :)

Who we are

We are five Junior College students studying in Singapore, who enjoys writing in our free time. We want to share some of the things we write on this website.

Find out more about each of us on the authors page.

What you'll find

We don't have any specific topics for this publication, so you will likely find everything under the sun being discussed here, from serious philosophical topics, to book reviews to pointless joke areticles. However, if we have to summarise in a few words, our areticles are about things we find interesting. That is the basis of everything we publish here.

Five different authors. Five different styles. Please feel free to browse our site and explore which authors or areticles you like the most. We are certain that you will find areticles suited to your interests.

Contact us

We would love to hear from you. Please let us know if you have any feedback or suggestions. We are really open to any kind feedback or friendly discourse. Our email is areticlewebsite@gmail.com.

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